Saturday 3 September 2011

Peak District Rock Climbing Courses

Peak District Rock Climbing Courses

Over the past few weeks there has been a strong interest in the advanced climbing courses. Last week I had two clients who drove up from Kent for the day! Talk about dedication! We avoided the heavy rain and were able to have a very good day out at Stanage Far End.

This weekend I have had a returning client Andrew and a friend Boris for a leading and rope work-refresher in the Peak District. Again the weather held good and we started with the basics and progressed quickly to have Andrew lead a handful of routes in good style. On these types of days out I really stress the importance of solid gear placements and good rope-work.

A few pics from the days out..

Sunday 8 May 2011

Lakes Multi-Pitch Climbing

After a few months of grit climbing in the Peak I had a weekend of Multi-Pitch instruction in the Lakes. Amazing weather helped create an excellent two days of climbing in Barrowdale and Langdale.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Scottish Winter Skills Jan 2-10 2011 Cairngorm

What better way to bring in 2011 then a Scottish winter skills course? None that I can think of!

Ten adventurous souls made their way to the East and to their delight had 8 days of near perfect weather on the hill, just amazing... The temperature plummeted to -27 in the wind one day but other then that it was Alpine conditions and we made full use of it completing a winter skills course and getting some climbing in to boot. I ran this course based at Badaguish in Aviemore and the Lodge provided was top notch, with a very good common room and equally suited drying room.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

So that was Summer 2010

This summer has been very busy, beginning with a good early season of bouldering in the Peak District, followed by an Italian Alps trip, a Morocco trekking expedition, North Wales navigation courses and many days out rock climbing, in essence things have been as packed as possible. For the Alps trip we were blessed with two weeks of fine weather.  We started off with intentions of completing the North Face of the Gran Paridesio, but scorching weather forced us to abandon our original plan and so we worked more on rock oriented routes. We spent almost every day out, sport climbing, mulit-pitch routing or high in the proper mountains, but by far the hardest and scariest day out was an unnamed 6 pitch E2 in the Aosta valley.  I have included photos of some of the more popular routes we completed, giving you a taster of what we got up to.

Gran Serra 3552m

Dent du Geant 4013m

Pyramide du Tacul 3468m

and a little Trekking trip to Morocco (Summit of Toubkal 4167m)